For the past 60 years, the Digital World has been steadily infiltrating our lives. Like all epic changes, digital progress has touched us all. For those following the progress of the Information Age, the Digital World has moved us to a higher level of specialization and efficiency, while simultaneously allowing us a laser-focus on our activities. The technical backup for Information Technology in the business world is spearheaded by specialists in computer systems and their application. We highlight the CelebrityExperts® in this book who so diligently contribute to this process. These entrepreneurs develop and adapt computer systems to better organize and run our businesses.
They have competed in the marketplace and achieved the success of surviving and thriving in the Digital Era that we enjoy – truly a feat in the competitive world of today. You too can readily benefit from these CelebrityExperts®. These authors share their experiences to help you develop your business and avoid the errors they have made or encountered along the way. If you wish to succeed, it is far better to be guided by those that have made a successful trip rather than follow the advice of someone who has only read the map. It is in this spirit that our CelebrityExperts® present their successful experiences in The Business Owners Guide To Information Technology. They will assist you in gaining a competitive edge in your business environment.
With businesses of all sizes becoming more dependent on IT to operate their business, service their clients, communicate and market, CEOs must take a much more strategic approach to technology to stay competitive – and safe. That’s why these entrepreneurs have joined together to co-write this book. The authors of The Business Owner’s Essential Guide To I.T. And All Things Digital, have extensive experience and background related to how the epic changes that in today’s digital world have affected each of us, and more specifically, how these changes have moved us to a higher level of specialization and efficiency, while at the same time allowing us a laser -focus on our activities. These 22 authors are some of the top minds within the I.T. industry, all of whom are currently serving small to midsize businesses throughout the U.S. and Canada.