Robert Louis Stevenson once said that everyone lives by selling something. This was a sage statement from a productive mind.
The word SOLD has a vibrant ring for most of us. It is a pivotal word in the world of Real Estate, and one that generally pervades our entire economic existence. There are several meanings attached to the word SOLD – including, for example: a completed transaction, an idea that has been accepted, or acceptance of a final bid at an auction; it is, however, used primarily in an economic context.
Selling grew out of bartering or exchanging − when one party had more bargaining power than the other. Bartering or exchanging grew out of the specialization of duties or chores that allowed us to enjoy equitable fruits of each other’s labor. This system of specialization of tasks enabled us to survive and thrive, and we have never lost our desire to barter, buy or sell ‘anything under the sun’ – especially property.
In this vein, our Celebrity Experts® in Real Estate have honed this skill into a fine art with their acquired expertise. These men and women bring their experiences to share with you their proven methods and secrets that have made them successes in their fields. Their topics include analysis of sales, sales mindset, sales lead generation, legal concerns with investment property, and customer satisfaction for buyers and sellers among others.
So what are you selling? …Houses? …Commercial property? …Investments?
Regardless of whether you are an experienced salesperson, new to sales, or you wish to review the most contemporary concepts in today’s real estate market, the ideas that these Celebrity Experts® bring to the table will be worth their weight in gold when you read and incorporate them into your daily work-schedule.
In a manner of speaking, …you will be SOLD! on them.