JW Dicks, Esq. is an attorney, best selling author, entrepreneur and business strategist. He has spent his entire 35-year career building successful businesses for himself and his clients bringing his golden touch to the marketing and sales of over $500 million of products and services. His professional versatility affords him a unique insight into the opportunities available for today’s business owners along with the knowledge of how to structure and position a business to take advantage of them.
He is the senior partner of Dicks & Nanton P.A.: The Business Growth Lawyers™, representing clients in the growth of their business using franchises, area exclusive licensing, coaching, idea licensing, info-marketing, joint ventures, syndications and explosion marketing to accomplish their goals. Jack has worked with a diverse set of clients ranging from an Inc. 500 fastest growing company with sales over $250 Million, public companies, down to a small start up that made fishing lures. He loves the challenge and excitement of them all.
In addition to coaching and consulting with clients nationwide, Jack is also a successful entrepreneur. He has built his own businesses, with annual sales over $35 Million, developed real estate in excess of $200 Million and both created, and sold intellectual property rights for as much as $1.8 Million.
Jack has led national conferences and conventions and has spoken to over 150,000 business leaders on venture capital formation, syndication, investing, and business growth strategies. He is the best-selling author of numerous legal and financial books including the 50 Volume set, How to Start a Corporation and Operate in Any State, Moonlight Investing, The Florida Investor, Mutual Fund Investing Strategies, The Small Business Legal Kit, The 100 best Investments For Your Retirement, Financial CPR, Operation Financial Freedom, and How to Buy and Sell Real Estate .
In addition to his Juris Doctorate degree, Jack holds securities licenses, 22, 7, 65, and 24. He is also a registered securities principal, registered investment advisor, and real estate broker. Although technically proficient in several professions, his clients consider his greatest attributes to be his innate creativity, visionary focus and ability to design and implement multi-layered profit centers for companies and individuals seeking long-term financial growth and protection.
Jack is a graduate of the University of Florida and George Mason College of Law. He is a member of the American Bar Association, NASD, National Association of Realtors, the Florida Bar and the Virginia Bar.
Jack’s business address is Orlando and his play address is at his beach house where he spends as much time as he can with his wife, Linda, of 32 years, two daughters, two son-in-laws, and two Yorkies. His major hobby is fishing although the fish are rumored to be safe.
Watch as Jack is interviewed on America's PremierExperts® TV show
Watch America's PremierExpert JW Dicks, Esq. discuss Celebrity Franchising You
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Can you make everyone a Celebrity Expert?
We believe we can make ANYONE a celebrity in his or her own field because we are all unique. However, from a practical standpoint, we limit our representation. For example, we might work with several attorneys but only one in an area will be celebrity branded as an expert in tax.
Is it easy to make someone a Celebrity Expert?
Well, not necessarily easy but we do have a system.
First we start with the concept of the person’s USP and we build around that concept in everything they do. Normally for instance we find that their web site isn’t bring them business so we totally revamp it to do exactly what it is supposed to do and that is bring client or customers in the door. However, our change doesn’t stop there. We integrate the message in compelling marketing that can include everything from a book about the expert’s work, a CD interview, podcasts, press releases or even a special event or sponsorship that tells the world that this is the celebrity expert they should be dealing with.
How do I know You Can make me a Celebrity Expert?
We would be happy to show you. While each person and business is unique ALL business can be transformed and expanded. The only exception we have found is the owners desire to expand. If you want to grow we can help you and we will show you how.
How do I get started working with you?
The first step in the process is to have an initial consultation to learn a little preliminary information about you and your business, where you are and where you want to be. We then develop an outline of what we think we can do to immediately grow your company or practice. We do not go into all of the possibilities or options we see because that has been found to be confusing to business owners who don’t know which new system they would like to implement first. We eliminate that confusion in the beginning but that process will come later. What we will do is give you enough of an overview that you will be able to see your business in a new light with new and exciting possibilities. To start the process, we require and initial retainer of $1,000 for this analysis BUT, the retainer is 100% refunded immediately if you decide not to move forward with the plan we present. The purpose of the retainer is just to eliminate all of the people who want to waste time but aren’t ready to go to the next level. It is hard to believe there are people like this but you know there are. We have found that by asking for a retainer it makes people realize this is serious and not just a fun exercise (which it also is). The retainer then applies 100% to the plan we devise for you. This means we take all of the risk in meeting and showing you what we can do. You either get the retainer back or it applies to your plan, either way you will not get charged for your initial consultation. We take 100% of the risk.
What will the Celebrity Branding Cost?
Hopefully nothing. If it costs you money, we aren’t doing our job. If we are growing your business you will be making money and while you may have to advance some money in the beginning this is no different than you are presently doing with any other marketing or advertising expense you have now, except what we do is built to last.