Who, ME???
Yes, you! Here is a book intended for everyone. From those who need an estimate every time they go to a restaurant to those that need to stand in the same place twice to cast a shadow. Seriously, do you need or wish to shed pounds, build muscle or some combination of the two? If so, see inside………
As we age, we often allow ourselves to get caught up in the details of daily life, even bad habits – to the detriment of our health and well-being. As we pass a mirror, or notice that we only fit into our clothing with a shoehorn, we register a ‘reality check’ that shouts … “Change Your Habits!”
The select group of Celebrity Experts® in this book are dedicated to changing your habits of nutrition and exercise. They come from both traditional as well as non-traditional angles to review and advise you on the more common factors for burning fat and building muscle – in language we can understand.
Now, whether or not you are already under doctors orders for your health, you should seek medical help and advice if you plan to alter your routine diet and exercise program.
Whatever your situation, whether you are ‘fit as a fiddle’ or ‘need a tune up,’ the programs and suggestions in this book should not be overlooked because they can truly be a life-changer.
The Celebrity Experts® within want you to like yourself again.