When you change your circumstances, the circumstances of the world change. But first, as Gandhi said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” It all starts with you. The world is in the midst of significant transformation and evolution. There is a shift in human consciousness occurring even as you read these words.
There is evidence of massive breakthroughs occurring: the appearance of stunningly gifted children in unprecedented numbers, the emergence of innovative and integrated healing modalities, more and more people seeking their true purpose, and the dawning of new communities and social structures. In America with the financial crisis, entrepreneurs are going to save the economy. Entrepreneurs have the power to turn this crisis around. We change the way that people think about what is possible. We have a clear vision of what is possible for all humans.
Entrepreneurship is key to growth and job creation in America. Small companies earn 50% of the GDP and provide 50% of all jobs. This book is a compilation of the business leaders who have stepped up in consciousness to ignite their business and change the world and who are challenging you to do the same.