The starting point of all achievement is desire. ~ Napoleon Hill
Mastering a job means we are proficient at performing that particular task successfully. It is also useful to note here that the word “success” has different meanings to different people. Success can mean, among other things: fame, fortune, emotional or skillful achievement.
Proceeding through our growth years to maturity, we spend time and effort accumulating knowledge and resources, assessing our strengths and limitations, and taking action based on what we have learned. As we grow, so does our appetite for adventure and success. So, fortified with our initial progress, we set out to test our strength against the world. For those who achieve mastery of one job, the taste of success and the confidence it generates often propels them to attempt to master other tasks.
To accomplish a chosen undertaking is synonymous with success; however, learning to master more significant tasks is often our real challenge. That’s where the Celebrity Experts® in this book come in. They have achieved mastery in their various fields and are willing to share their secrets and methods of mastery with you. An integral quality of successful people is their willingness to help others succeed. One of the finest secrets for Mastering the Art of Success can be found in the following quote:
I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work. ~ Thomas Edison
Authors Include: Nicole Nason; Roland Thompson; Tom Stone; Chris Jarvis, MBA, CFP®;Zander Fryer; Dr. Robert M. Pick; Steven L. Blue; Dr. Karen Hardy; Edye St. Hill, MBA; Jacqueline Burns; Nauman Khan Azeemi; Michael J. Kessler, CPA; Jeff Turnbow, aka ‘Turnaround’ Turnbow;Oliver Bennett Schlaffer;Iris Polit;Christine Marcello; Diann Martin; Sam E. Cohen; Corkie Mann; John Parks Trowbridge M. D.; Victoria Jennings; Amber Noble Garland Debbie Jungmin Lee; Romay Cupido; Nykeisha Sanders; Vince Kramer; Rafael Vasconcelos; Angel Shaw;Sophia Stavron; Vilmar D. Borges; Deb Shapiro; Chris Salem; Lori A. Wagner; Gagandeep Bhatti; Zoë;Jennifer Kauffman; Szilard Koos;Ahmed Abdulbaqi; George Ritcheske; and Joshua Aragon