To cook like Momma, you need her recipe, assemble her ingredients, follow directions, blend, cook, and then serve. Sounds simple. What if you had an actual recipe for retirement success? Momma’s same principles can apply to retirement: first find a good cook (financial advisor), find appropriate financial products (ingredients), specify objectives (directions), and create a written plan to best accomplish your goals (serving).
This is easier said than done. Transitioning from Asset Accumulation (while working) to Asset Preservation and Lifetime Income Distribution (retirement) is difficult. You accumulated assets simply by saving, but haven’t protected your assets against losses and haven’t created lifetime income. For a successful retirement, you must master Asset Preservation and Lifetime Income Distribution – your future depends on it.
The Celebrity Experts® in this book are experienced financial professionals who will give you peace of mind by teaching you exactly what to expect and how the process works. They will give you a Recipe. Their advice, methodologies and safeguards are thoroughly researched, including pros and cons to help you learn the truth about your money. The data presented is both understandable and proven for effectiveness. Why not educate yourself?
Authors: Jack Canfield; Dan Ahmad; Jim Files; John Kirker; Leslie Davis; Enyi Kanu; Joseph (Joe) DiPaolo; Keith Barron; Laura Barron; Allan Collier; Mike Kojonen; Dave Lopez; Jaime N. Cowper, CLTC, NSSA®; Doug Ray; Paul Seal; Robert M. Ryerson, CFP®; David Reyes; Josh Gentry; Christopher Kichurchak; Randy Krogh; Cody Files; and Louis R. Terrero, CPA.