Torey Eisenman
Torey Eisenman is CEO of HobNobOrlando.com, a best-selling author, and a leading expert in hyperlocal marketing. Torey was recently chosen as a guest on the “America’s Premier Experts” Television show to speak on the importance of Hyperlocal Marketing for businesses big and small.
As a graduate of Florida Atlantic University with a degree in Marketing, Torey took her skills into the home building industry in 1991. By the time the real estate industry was ramping up in 2001, Torey had 10 years of experience in the Luxury Home Market, a general contractor’s license, and a brand new company called Benchmark Real Estate Group, Inc.
She quickly found that her success in the corporate world for 7 years was a detriment to focusing on her business. As job offers came in from various companies it was hard to branch out on her own and walk away from perceived security. As life would have it, there came a period of time when the real estate market crashed, she lost her job, and sadly lost both of her parents. It was at this low point that Torey made one of the most significant decisions of her life. During what was perhaps the worst possible time to start a real estate company, she turned these losses into strengths as she drove full throttle into starting her company.
Eisenman quickly realized that starting a business was not easy, especially in this market. It became clear that although she was very well known in production homebuilding, the general public had no idea who Torey Eisenman and Benchmark Real Estate were. Eisenman started marketing her real estate company utilizing the internet as a low cost, high reach tool for building her brand. She learned the in and outs of not only marketing online, .but connecting online with prospective clients
This proved immensely valuable considering that over 90 percent of home buyers search online for properties. Torey just couldn’t keep these online marketing strategies to herself and saw a business opportunity in helping other businesses. The next logical question for Torey became, why only real estate? She expanded her hyperlocal online marketing business to all industries and began showing businesses the profitability of not only having an online presence, but a social presence. Her hyperlocal marketing business has expanded dramatically since 2012 and she continues to have major success in the real estate profession having acquired expertise and new perspective in her years as a successful entrepreneur.
Torey Eisenman
[email protected]