Thomas has been teaching martial arts and fitness to all ages for more than 14 years. Spending seven years of that time as a middle school writing teacher, Thomas spent a lot of time studying how the high ideals of his martial arts practice could be used to reach the troubled hearts of his young students. While many of them at the time lived with single parents due to gang violence and crime, Thomas found that by showing them how to expect more from themselves they could tap into the more noble side of their nature.
After teaching, Thomas went on to open his own martial arts and fitness studio where he helps his students see that their true teacher lies within and that they are far more powerful than they realize. Thomas is a 10th generation Sifu, master instructor, of the Northern Shaolin Seven Star Praying Mantis system of Kung Fu. He is also a certified CrossFit trainer, and an RKC, Russian Kettlebell Challenge, certified trainer. He also teaches Qigong, meditation, and loves a cold pint.