Tammy Levent
Tammy Levent: Entrepreneur, Travel Expert, Author and
Renowned Speaker
Tammy Levent devotes herself to helping other women
discover the power they have to change their lives, no
matter what their circumstances. She sums up her
mantra of success in the acronym “I WHIP IT” – meaning Incredible Women
Have Infinite Power In Themselves. I WHIP IT was born when Tammy held her
first whip while sitting at her desk training telemarketers. For the first time
in years, she felt like she had control. She took that feeling and ran with it.
With her new web series WHIP IT OUT SHOW with Tammy Levent at
www.WhipItOutShow.com and her day-long WHIPshops™ that “take the
work out of it,” Tammy guides other women – whip in hand – to find their
courage, declare their goals, and use strategic partnerships to make those
goals happen. Unlike many speakers, Tammy doesn’t stop at motivation;
she gives immediately usable step-by-step instruction on how to create a
business and lifestyle around your passion.
As founder and CEO of Elite Travel, Tammy has guided her company into
the exclusive group of American Express Travel Agencies and garnered numerous
awards. Elite Travel has been named a Platinum Preferred Agency
Couples Resort for twelve years in a row; an American Express Vacations
Global Award Worldwide Best of the Best Agency fourteen years in a row;
and was “Ranked 3rd” in the Fastest 50 growing companies in Tampa Bay
area in 2005, and kept the Fastest 50 status into 2006 and 2007. While
Tammy plans hundreds of destination weddings and honeymoons every
year, a highlight came in 2008 when she managed the celebrity “I do Redo”
wedding for NBC’s Biggest Loser couple, Amy and Marty Wolff, on the island
of St. Lucia which was featured on Extra! Tammy’s travel expertise has appeared
in publications around the country including Perfect Wedding Guide,
Brides Magazine, Modern Bride, The Robb Report, and Condé Nast Traveler®.
Single mother of Katie, 26, and Jordan, 20, Tammy Levent lives in Tampa,
Florida with her better half, Rob. She owns an impressive collection of whips.
For more information on Elite Travel, the WHIP IT OUT Show, and WHIPshops
™, visit TammyLevent.com.
Tammy Levent
[email protected]
Tel: 1-866-726-9090