Soul Ongoiba
Soul Ongoiba was raised in a family of educators where teaching, compassion, self-reliance and excellence were fostered by his parents.
Soul believes that each of us deserves to live our best life. Along with The Golden Rule and the motto of: ‘Teach them how to fish so people can feed themselves for a lifetime’ have been the guiding principles in his upbringing.
Engineer by trade in both Electrical and Industrial Engineering, Soul has been able to leverage his background to approach the human potential and human mind in a very systemic and optimal way.
Very familiar with peak performance as a former elite Judo athlete, and was on his Alma Mater university SJSU judo varsity team. Soul has been practicing Judo for over 25 years and was promoted to second degree black belt in 2001 by THE NYAC club.
As an entrepreneur, with his financial and coaching practice, Soul helps his clients change the quality of their lives significantly, and most importantly, helps them live their lives on their own terms. Soul encourages people to tap in into their own resources and strength to become entrepreneurs, as he believes it is the fastest way to “freedom.” Completing his certificate with the Robbins-Madanes Center for Strategic Intervention, and NLP certified, Soul uses cutting-edge tools of human transformation to help his clients live their lives on their own terms.
As an entrepreneur, author, speaker, athlete, and martial artist, Soul is first a family man, married with two children, with a deep passion for humanity.
Soul’s vision is to create a world of “aware” empowered individuals with tremendous compassion to help humanity move forward. To guide leaders that have a drive to live their lives on their own term and to pursue excellence in their own standards… Building, training and coaching people to that pursuit is his life passion, mission and purpose. Soul strives to be that catalyst in all his endeavors, particularly in his financial and coaching practice (www.ultimatepeaktransformation.com) and podcast Transmute Your Destiny.
With his eclectic background, Soul’s approach to change and transformation is quite innovative, as it blends a scientific-based approach and at the same time, promotes self-expression and intuition, leading his clients to be raving fans.
You can connect with Soul at:
[email protected]
Linkedin/soulman ongoiba
www.facebook.com/Soulman Ongoiba or at: www.UltimatePeakTransformation.com