Salvatore Friscia
Salvatore Joseph Friscia is a seasoned real estate investor and
residential property management specialist. In 2004, he founded
San Diego Premier Property Management, San Diego’s fastest
growing and most innovative residential property management
company. As an investor, he understood the need for quality property management, and
utilized technology to service an unfulfilled segment of the real estate market by focusing
on managing single-family homes, condos and small apartment complexes. Salvatore
is consistently sought out by the media for his expertise in the local rental market and
real estate trends in the San Diego area. He has also been featured in the Wall Street
Journal, Forbes, CNBC News, and CBS Money Watch – as well as many other prominent
media outlets.
Salvatore’s expertise in managing rental property, as well being able to identify lucrative
investment opportunities, is also prevalent in his investment group: The Friscia Group
One, LLC. The investment group targets distressed properties in the Southwest region
of the country — with emphasis on San Diego, CA and Phoenix, AZ.
To learn more about Salvatore J. Friscia, San Diego Premier Property Management or how
you can invest with The Friscia Group One, LLC, please visit the following websites at:
www.SDPmanagement.com, or: www.FrisciaGroup.com or call toll free: (888)-744-0454