Rebecca Barcy
Rebecca Barcy is the Executive Director for I Need An Angel,
Inc., its division I Need An Angel Too and High Fives Charity Network,
Inc. I Need An Angel’s principle products and services include
Home Care that helps seniors and others (recovering from
surgery or suffering from chronic illness) stay at home. I Need
An Angel Too guides and supports clients, without bias, through
options for Home Care, Assisted Living Housing, and Skilled Nursing, when health
or injury has turned their life upside down overnight or overtime, and they don’t know
what to do. Rebecca Barcy also partnered with the non-profit, High Fives Charity
Network 501(c) 3, as an advocate for caregivers, who are always helping others, and
seniors who don’t have enough help. Mrs. Barcy was inducted as “VIP Woman of the
Year 2011/2012” in recognition of the strides she has made in the Home Care industry
demonstrating professional leadership, creative management and outstanding support
of NAPW’s commitment to networking and community involvement. Rebecca certification
as a CSA – Certified Senior Adviser – supports her desire to be an educated
and positive influence in the community. Her true expertise is Creative Management
and Intuitive Solutions.
Rebecca also believes that as a businesswoman, balancing work and family life
can be challenging, but has the utmost importance. Mrs. Barcy has built numerous
businesses with her family members working alongside her, even as young as three
weeks old! Her daughter, Amanda, son-in-law Jeremiah, and son Nathan, help run the
above corporate entities, with the help of 50 staff members. Her husband of 22 years,
Dan, helps with the companies as needed, and all four grandchildren often spend time
in their offices. Rebecca’s Queensland Heeler, Jax and kitty Nolan, and even her 21-
year old kitty Littlefoot, who passed away this year, have accompanied her to the office
where she works from an old 1900’s roll top desk. She feels her clients, employees,
and vendors are an extension of her family and she loves her family!
To receive a free “10 Questions You Must Ask When Choosing a Home Care Company”,
visit: www.ineedanangel.com
To learn more about I Need An Angel and its division I Need An Angel, Too Inc. visit:
www.thegreatestcompanyever.com or www.ineedanangel.org — Or call: (480) 951-4083
To learn more about High Fives Charity Network, Inc [a 501(c) (3) non-profit], buy a Change
Can Be A Scary Thing T-shirt or make a donation, visit: www.highfivescharitynetwork.org
or call (480) 529-9798 – Or email Rebecca at: [email protected]