Murray Middlemost
Murray Middlemost is the president and CEO of MG WebCOM, a vibrant and quickly growing Hamilton, Ontario-based online marketing agency. Murray is a marketing professional with a unique point of view: He believes marketing should earn its keep. Meaning that it is measurable, relates to sales, and is efficient and affordable.
Murray specializes in bridging the gap between off-line and online marketing through the innovative and often automated use of leading-edge digital marketing software and systems. The aspect of working with Murray that his clients like best? He makes it simple. Many of Murray’s offerings are “set and forget” so clients can manage their own marketing campaigns with little to no effort while seeing substantial ROI.
With 18 years of successful entrepreneurship under his belt, Murray is a highly sought after fitness business consultant as well as the owner of fitness clubs and physio clinics. He is also a proven guru in the area of marketing that works for both small and large businesses. Murray’s most impressive credential? Clients who experience substantial and measurable growth directly related to his proven marketing systems. Additionally, Murray is a devoted husband to his fit, strong and extremely patient wife, Rita; a proud dad to two amazing children; and an active coach in the community. He is a genuine visionary when it comes to living life to its fullest and helping others reach their business and personal goals.
Find out more about Murray Middlemost by visiting MurrayMiddlemost.com or his company at MGWebCOM.com. you can also email him directly at [email protected] to find out how your business can succeed through marketing systems that work.
Look for Murray at the Simply Small Business Symposium in Hamilton, Ontario, 2013, where he will be the keynote speaker.