Mike Stone
Michael J. Stone, MBA, RFC, Ironman is a proven business leader who runs a very successful Financial Advisory Business, Income Tax business and a Consulting and Coaching Business, specializing in Sales and Marketing and overall goal achievement. Mike is a man who has experienced success in many areas, including
as an author, keynote speaker, business and executive Success Coach, sales and marketing trainer, mentor, high performance motivator, Ironman, triathlete/endurance athlete, financial advisor (26 yrs.), entrepreneur/business owner x3, blogger and real estate investor. He is a self made man.
Mike’s interest in high performance training and personal development began in the early eighties. Mike brings a successful background of over 30 years of Sales, Marketing and Management experience in the Banking and Financial Services industry. Mike achieved Vice President and Management levels with some of the world’s largest banks and investment firms. As a proven and successful business owner, he has succeeded in some of the most competitive business environments. Mike also has experienced ample setbacks, failures and challenges in life, both personally and in business. He understands the required mindset necessary to persevere through the tough times, valuing the lessons of humility, gratitude and compassion he learned while rebounding back to even higher levels of success.
Mike brings to the table a background of thirty plus years as a Triathlete and all around Endurance Athlete, including the ultimate physical and mental test of the Ironman. He has competed in hundreds of swimming, running, and biking endurance events. Mike strongly believes in health, fitness and nutrition to fuel the mind and body to maximum performance. Further, Mike has extensively studied and exhaustively researched the areas of behavioral psychology, motivation, personal development and achievement. Mike has completed coach training and certification from a well-known national coach training school, and is a practicing Success Coach and Consultant for business executives, professionals and athletes. Putting all of this together, Mike has perfected a system of High Performance self-coaching that can guide you to a path to accomplish and maintain any goal.
Last but not least, Mike has been married for 27 years and is the father of four terrific and successful children. The life lessons learned from all of these endeavors have prepared Mike to literally deal with anything – to handle any situation and any chaos with calm assurance. They have also strengthened and deepened his understanding of what it takes to support personal growth, behavior modification, goal-setting, and achievement. Mike is the one you need on your side.
Mike has combined personal development, behavioral psychology, business planning and sales management with sports training, coaching and motivation into a unique and highly efficient and effective approach to help guide you to achieve the very highest levels of success in your chosen field, sport, or endeavor. Mike is a proven expert in high performance. Inspiring, motivating and supporting others as they discover their true potential is something that Mike is not just passionate about, but one at which he excels.
For more on how to self-coach yourself to success, you need to read his book: Get it Faster & Keep it Longer. You can reach him at: www.imhighperformance.com