
Michael D’Adamo is the Founder and C.E.O. Of the T.O.P. Marketing
Group a thirteen year-old, direct marketing network with a
nationwide footprint. T.O.P. is a leader in serving the cutting edge
of Fortune 500 companies as well as small and mid-sized business
ventures seeking to expand market share. Turnkey sales solutions bring products and
services directly to customers.
Focused on the need for grassroots business leadership, he is on the road much of
the year coaching and mentoring talented individuals to become owners of their own
businesses. D’Adamo is dedicated to revitalizing the American economy by cultivating
a new generation of pioneers in this nation’s great entrepreneurial tradition. He believes
in self-reliance, self-discipline, hard work, and conscious leadership. Only eighteen
years old when he began working in direct marketing at twenty-two he earned his
first million dollars. Now, at thirty-three, D’Adamo projects his network will include over
one hundred offices by the end of 2012.
Over the years, D’Adamo has exhibited a knack for finding products just as they
reached public consciousness, bringing customers ‘the best of the best’ — from the
products created by the deregulation of energy, telecommunications and fiber-optics
markets to the jazzy, high-tech marvels that define life on the cutting edge.
T.O.P.’s network functions like an extended family, offering business owners best practice
systems, back-office support and ongoing leadership coaching.
In teaming up with individuals to help them fulfill their dreams, D’Adamo has also
financed a number of socially-conscious business ventures. For more information
about T.O.P. visit: or call 855-TEAMTOP.