Lisa Mercier
Lisa Mercier is a holistic health advocate, using natural
and positive care models to coach others through major
life transitions. Her holistic coaching practice changes
the lives of clients all over the world by balancing their
approach to change with amazing results. Her expertise
in grief and divorce recovery resulted in a transformational program helping
others work through their issues of anger and sadness to emerge from
divorce stronger and happier ( Through special
engagements and her collection of Divorce To Dream books, virtual coaching
programs, CD and DVD programs, she provides the ultimate guide to
transition through life’s challenges with vital energy, a positive outlook, and
renewed balance in living. Her three-pronged approach identifies very specific
steps to build harmony back into everyday living.
Critically acclaimed as “One of the Best Self-Help Programs Out There,” the
“Divorce To Dream” program is just that, because there is no recovery system
out there like it that puts the power of change at your feet and gives you
a map for success.
To learn more about Lisa Mercier, the Divorce To Dream program, and how
you can receive the free Special Report: “Getting Started: 7 Steps to Creating
a Foundation for Change,” visit: or call Toll-Free:
1-(888) 939-HEAL.