Kimberlee Frank, also known as “The Real Estate Junkie,” is known for her unique ability to find ways to make money in real estate no matter which direction the market is heading. Kimberlee started investing in real estate in 1998 while working as a legal secretary for an Attorney, Builder and Broker for 18 years. She crossed the t’s and dotted the i’s on hundreds of real estate deals and thousands of documents making her an expert in real estate documentation. Kimberlee’s success began in Fenton, Michigan. She specialized in purchasing, renovating, retailing and lease optioning single-family homes. In her first 6 years of business, she bought and sold 60 properties – profiting over one million ($1,000,000) dollars.
What got her started was a fascination with how to buy real estate with “no money down” techniques since she didn’t have any money to invest in real estate. Since 2003, she has specialized in foreclosures. She has mitigated and closed 100s of short sales with the mortgage companies saving Sellers from going into foreclosure and helping investors making thousands of dollars. In 2006, Kimberlee and her family moved to Orlando, Florida. Kimberlee has created several different “How To” systems on real estate investment and her unique strategies continue to educate real estate investors, from first-timers, to seasoned pros across the country. Kimberlee has proven herself to be an expert in these techniques which include “buy, fix, flip, hold, subject to, land trust and foreclosure short sales.” Her Apprentice Program has helped many students learn how to cash big checks on all different types of real estate investing.
Kimberlee’s latest system titled, the “Apprenticeship Business System,” teaches individuals how they can become gurus in their local market. This system allows the investor male or female to pay it forward with real estate and give back to individuals who need their hand held locally. Kimberlee holds the hand of the investor who wants to share their knowledge with individual locally. This allows her to make the system specialized for the investor. Her students are making profits even with the current state of the real estate market. The Apprenticeship Business System has put her in control of $22 Million worth of property and you too can learn this system. In an effort to give back to women, Kimberlee started a Woman’s Group called “It Is A Woman’s World” which rejuvenates and improves the lives of women.”
Watch Kimberlee Frank discuss real estate.
Watch as Kimberlee is interviewed on America's PremierExperts™ TV show
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What is a Real Estate Junkie?
It is a person who has educated themselves on all the different types of real estate investing which allows them to turn any deal into CASH and make a win-win situation. For instance, Wholesale, Lease Option, Foreclosures/Short Sales, Rehab, Buy and Hold, Buy and Flip.
Why would you want to teach your competition how to invest in real estate in your area?
This is a common question that I receive from investors. You are not creating competition you are creating a team so that you and your team can become successful together and dominant your area. Having several members of your team call the same Seller will increase the likelihood that you will get the deal. Why? The Seller keeps hearing your name as a partner with several different team members. It doesn’t matter which team member gets the deal, you still get a percentage of each the deal because you are the Mentor.
What do you want in a Mentor?
You want someone who really believes in helping people. It has to be someone who has a passion in mentoring. You want a Mentor to share all of the secrets that they would normally keep to themselves so that you can break through any challenges that an you my ever have. You want a Mentor that will work hard with you and not only mentor you but become a friend. You want a mentor that can turn any type of deal into cash.
What is your heart’s virtue?
I really believe that God has placed people on this earth for a purpose. Understanding your purpose in life will improve your life and the lives of everyone around you. I was placed on this earth to improve the world one person at a time. I can do that through teaching real estate, inspiring women and working with my husband to get everyone prepared in case of an emergency. This is my passion in life.
Why work on your strengths and not your weaknesses?
I recommend building a team with individuals who fill your weaknesses. This will allow you to work on your strengths. Did you know that Henry Ford did not know everything in his business? However what he did know is that when he needed an answer to a question, he would call the correct team member who knows the answer to that question. What he did, he built a team with the people who could fill his weaknesses and he worked on his strengths. I believe in this same concept.