Kim Williams
Kim Williams helps her public figure clients maintain balance, structure and grounding in their private world. Being brought up in a small rural farming community, Kim naturally gravitates towards a simple and organic lifestyle. She helps her clients to nurture old-fashioned values that have been proven to bring
health and wealth for hundreds of years.
Kim is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach®, trained and certified with The Coaches Training Institute (CTI). CTI is an affiliate of the International Coach Federation (ICF) and is recognized as the most rigorous coach training in the coaching industry. In 2011, she graduated from the HealthCoachTraining® program and declared her expertise in stress and weight management. Kim believes coaching is the most powerful force for change on earth, and that everyone has the capability to transform their body, mind and spirit – and their life – into something they never dreamed possible.
She is the founder of her company, Vision In Motion Success Coaching, (2008) where she provides both virtual and in-person stress management and/or weight loss support programs. Last year Kim was excited to join Dr. Mohammad Emran with his new company, SpringCure, and assist in developing their new program: Fast- Track Coaching for weight loss. As the Lead Attitude Coach and Training Director, she is continuously developing training materials and curriculum and teaching coaches how to keep their clients in action. Her main focus with SpringCure is in qualifying, training, mentoring and leading the team of Health Coaches who assist SpringCure clients in their weight loss journey.
Kim keeps engaged in ongoing studies in nutrition, nutritional psychology, personal development and business marketing and sales. She is a regular master minder within her Live Out Loud business community and currently commits herself and her time to two groups who each meet weekly to provide support for each other with successes and wins, challenges and intentions in their prospective businesses.
Kim enjoys a healthy lifestyle through nutrition, running, yoga and meditation, and using high quality supplements and certified pure therapeutic grade essential oils (CPTGTM). She is also the author of the upcoming book, The Last 20 Pounds: Letting Go of What Weighs You Down, where Kim shares her personal weight loss journey and the emotional part of keeping the weight off for life.
You can connect with Kim at:
[email protected]
www. or search Kim Williams, CPCC