Karl Wolfe
Karl R. Wolfe mentors Executives and projects in every industry
including top studios such as Warner Brothers, MGM, Paramount,
Universal, the major Television Networks, also, record companies
and their recording artists such as DreamWorks, Sony, Michael
Jackson Productions and major law firms and medical institutions.
Karl was Manager of Engineering with a subsidiary of the Atlantic Richfield Company
in New York, administering an annual capital budget of more than $300 million. He
then accepted the position of Director of Marketing and Design, with a high technology
company in San Francisco; specializing in Industrial Automation. Then with
more than $500 Million in successful design projects completed; he established a
Counseling and Consulting practice in San Francisco, where he also lectured and
was research associate in the Graduate School for the Study of Human Consciousness,
at John F. Kennedy University, in Orinda, California. With more than 30 patents,
his accomplishments brought honorable mention in Who’s Who in Technology and
many other publications. Several other Who’s Who publications document more recent
achievements as Creative Consultant and Mentor.
Karl uncovers the one thing that prevents you form achieving everything you want
in life. He developed a video technology that helps everyone see the invisible and
unconscious narratives and myths that hold them back and at the same time, what
works. The diagnostic process is equivalent to 5 or 10 years of traditional therapy, it
is illuminating, revealing, unusual, enjoyable and it works. In less than two hours, the
client sees how their inner conflicts inhibit their ability to manifest their vision. A step
beyond therapy, this process is known for getting immediate, practical and ongoing
results. Often within, in a few days, everything changes for the better.
His process has been mentioned in Vanity Fair, Newsweek and Time. Barbara Walters,
with ABC’s 20/20 and the Oprah Winfrey Show featured these seminars and how they
transform his clients’ lives from average to outstanding. Dr. Stanley Krippner documents
Karl’s work in the recent book, Spiritual Dimensions of Healing; first published in German
and more recently in English. The book chronicles the practices of ten practitioners
in North America; from native healers to contemporary health care providers.
Karl edited the recent best sellers: The Lazy Man’s Way to Riches, by Joe Karbo, revised
and expanded by Richard G. Nixon, and the companion workbook Roadmap to Riches,
by Richard G. Nixon, which has now sold more than 4.2 million copies. He is currently
finishing two new books dealing with the topics of personal growth and organizational
transformation: Millionaire Body-Millionaire Mind-How to Get Everything in Your Life
Moving and Fingers Pointing at the Moon— A Journey to the Authentic-Self.
As Creative Consultant to United Paramount Television Network News KCOP TV 13,
in Los Angeles, and as Consulting Producer and Creative Consultant, he developed
an award-winning and highly rated series of Feature News, Science and Technology
Visit the website: www.truesilence.com to take that next big step, find out more about
consultations and seminars, to read articles, and receive his recent eBook. Or you
may call 888-296-0084.