Josef Brandenburg is founder of The Body You Want Fitness Solutions
in Washington, DC – it’s the place you to get the body you
want in the time you actually have, and have a good time doing it.
Josef first got interested in health, fitness and nutrition when his
physician told him he was “too fat for your own good” at age 9.
That, and being made fun of at summer camp sparked a drive to learn everything he
possibly could about looking better without his shirt off, so that he could go to the
beach without feeling ashamed of his body.
Eventually someone asked Josef for help with their workouts, and that first request
has turned into a calling, a 15-year career, and the opening of The Body You Want
Fitness Solutions.
Josef is the co-author of The Body you Want, The Client Success Manual, and several
other books. Josef was also the fitness expert for the PCOS challenge reality TV
series, and has been featured in The Washington Post, on ABC, WUSA 9, and in newspapers
coast to coast. He’s also received certifications through ACE, NASM, FMS,
CHECK, and the NCEP.
To learn more about what Josef and his team can do for you, and how you can
“try before you buy” visit: www.TheBodyYouWant.com or call 202-316-1457.