Jon Maniscalco
Jon Maniscalco has been an entrepreneur since age 12, delivering
newspapers on his bike in his hometown of San Diego. At
age 20, while still attending college, he and his brother, Michael,
started a wholesale produce company. San Diego Produce was
the first local produce wholesaler to incorporate its own in-house
processing facility. This value-added proposition allowed customers to choose between
whole fruits and vegetables or table-ready products. New concepts and exceptional
customer service propelled the company from seven to more than 250 clients,
30 employees, and annual sales approaching $8 million.
Always interested in real estate since purchasing their first home in 1984, Jon and
his wife, Marlene, decided to apply the value-added approach to their niche in the
real estate industry. Today, Horizon View Properties specializes in the conversion of
real property to liquid assets for estate equity or distribution. The company provides a
group of services designed to ease the stress and relieve tedious tasks facing family
members trying to sell “Mom and Dad’s home.” These services are also invaluable
to estate attorneys, accountants, or anyone else who finds themselves in the role as
executor of an estate. Horizon View Properties currently focuses its efforts in San
Diego County. If you need assistance in selling estate real property, contact Jon or
Marlene. They’re compassionate, caring, empathetic to their clients’ circumstances,
and responsive to their needs. Visit their website, HorizonViewProperties.com, for
more information. Remember, “At Horizon View, It’s All About You!”
Jon is a graduate of San Diego State University with a bachelor’s degree in business
administration/marketing. He and Marlene live in Del Mar, California, with their two
dogs, Toto and Skipper.