John Vogt
Dr. John R. Vogt along with his wife Kathy, enjoy helping married couples find the happiness that lasts a lifetime. They have a unique difference in the marriage seminars that they conduct. Both are on the speaking platform together to share their own points of view. They poke fun at themselves by telling stories about their
relationship, while showing that even when things go wrong you can turn them around. This engages the couples to see how a couple that have been married over forty years have overcome obstacles and trials, and still have a great and strong marriage. Their goal is to help couples find out what you need to make a poor relationship better and make a good relationship the best it can be. The main point is that communication is the key that opens the door to understanding, and that can lead to the best relationship you can have. They help you understand what your spouse’s wants and needs are, and to truly get to know each other.
John has his Bachelors in Religious Education from Oklahoma Baptist University, Masters and Doctorate in Pastoral Psychology from Clarion Seminary and School of Ministry. His series, “Marriage Maintenance” is a post graduate course at Clarion Seminary. He has been a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors for many years. He is also president of Together ForEver Ministries and serves as an associate pastor of married couples and counseling at Christian Life Fellowship in Moore, Oklahoma. John also is a trained facilitator, a senior IT software trainer, and teaches the DiSK© profile assessments for supervisors and the workforce.
You can reach John at: [email protected]