Joe Green
Joe Green, CPFT, CNC, CES is the Founder and Owner
of Fit For You. Joe’s philosophies, training methodology
and tools are at the leading edge of performance training
with a focus on a simple foundation and premise for
exercise variety intended to affect steady and consistent
progress over time.
Joe is a trusted and highly-regarded resource of the medical community including
some world-renowned facilities for his work with special populations
facing movement disorders, chronic illness and post-therapy rehabilitation.
His medically-supervised programs are at the forefront of the revolution on
making fitness a successful and healthy lifestyle that can and will truly last a
lifetime thereby dismissing the inefficient, dangerous and injurious training
methodologies of the past. With his evolving programs, educational seminars
and a growing network of medical professionals, the opportunity to
see and feel the future of health and fitness exists at Fit For You. In fact, the
collaborative and mutually supportive bond that exists between Joe Green
and the medical community has yielded some of the best long-term results
available today.
Fit For You also offers highly specialized programs designed to benefit women,
youthful athletes and recreational sports participants.
For more information on the highly skilled services and programs offered,
please go to: