Jennie Brown is a speaker, writer, mentor and experienced real estate investor. She is an “Aussie” and lives in the “sunny” state of Queensland – where it’s “beautiful one day, perfect the next!”
Jennie is highly sought after by the media and regularly writes for Australian magazines. She is also a contributing author to the Australian bestseller Property Millionaire.
With a passion for helping people achieve their goals and attain financial freedom, Jennie travels the world, mentoring and educating others about mindset, lifestyle and real estate investing.
While Jennie is extremely serious about changing people’s lives and making a difference,
she firmly believes in fun and lifestyle, particularly her own! She travels extensively and enjoys vacations, “works” from home, takes her business calls sitting with her feet in the pool, loves animals, supports a number of charities and philanthropic organizations and has the typical Aussie sense of humor.
She is passionate about facilitating positive, lasting life change in people and inspiring
her clients to be proactive in the legacy they leave with family, friends and the people they come in contact with.
Jennie’s speaking and seminar business aims to educate people on how to live a more purposeful, extraordinary and inspired life, and to live the life of their dreams. Her events are run in a variety of different settings, including a one-week overseas experience called “The Wealth Retreat,” which has received rave reviews.
To learn more about Jennie Brown, her events, invite her to speak or receive her free
special report, visit www.JennieBrownEvents.com.