J.L Ashmore
J.L. (Jani) Ashmore believes in the motto, “Variety is the spice of
life!” In addition to her corporate work as a speaker, coach and
consultant, she has had a passion for creating and officiating wedding
ceremonies. She also has a passion for studying alternative
health care.
In the corporate world, Jani has trained, coached and consulted with hundreds of
companies in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. She has spoken on such topics
as sales, customer service, leadership and management, empowerment and team
She has traveled to more than 30 countries experiencing and discovering different
cultures and religions. She has tested her ability to stretch herself throughout her
adult life and has, among other things, earned a black belt in karate, walked on fire,
ran a marathon, hiked the Grand Canyon from rim to rim, and swam with dolphins in
the wild.
Jani has had the good fortune to study closely with such teachers as Tony Robbins,
Byron Katie, Jack Canfield and James Malinchak as well as others. Her commitment
to her own personal and spiritual growth is innate in her and continues to broaden
her life experiences. Jani’s proudest accomplishment in her life, however, is seeing
the beautiful, responsible, loving woman her daughter, Tamara, has grown to be and
now her two blossoming granddaughters, Laurel and Calli.
She was raised in a simple environment on a dairy farm in Colorado and doesn’t hold
herself as an expert or guru. What she does claim to have done is to live her life to
the fullest with the resources and gifts with which she was born and has developed
through study and work in her varied areas of interest.
For more information about Jani and her offerings, visit her websites at
www.coaching4balance.com and www.JLAshmore.com.