Glenn Warner
From a very early age, Glenn Warner had the drive to understand what made things tick. He needed to know how to make things tick better. Growing up, he saw the dawn of the tech revolution and that only added to his passion for understanding creativity.
Having worked up through the ranks of a Fortune 500 company for over a decade, Glenn ultimately found “big business” slow to change. As a firmly-established Information Technologies expert, he struck out on his own and founded American Computer Solutions. With a standard for providing the very best solutions for his clients’ needs, ACS took root.
Always seeking the next challenge, Glenn knew there was more to do. Seeing the unlimited potential and endless capabilities in a barely-tapped industry, Glenn dove headlong into 3D printing and thus GorillaMaker was born.
With many successful businesses flourishing at the same time, many people asked, how does he do it all and can he help me succeed too? Glenn has worked with many companies that have started out very small and watched as they doubled and tripled their income. Glenn loves working with broken companies to help them succeed as large as they can dream. Over the past five years, Glenn has helped many companies grow. One company had over a million in sales “pre-Glenn”. Two years later that turned into five million. Glenn spent countless hours working with owners and their staff giving them the tools they needed to be successful. It’s all about changing the culture so they can prosper for years to come.
Glenn is a big believer in the BNI concept of ‘Givers Gain’. With that, Glenn will give any company thirty minutes of his coaching for free. All they need to do is ask. How can you know what you don’t know? That’s why we need coaching. To have the tools to become more successful. Glenn has had many people help him over the years. Michael E. Gerber, the author of the E-Myth, changed his life. He took time out of his day to lead Glenn on the right path and gave him the tools to become successful. He not only guided but inspired Glenn. Even going so far as to saying he has many books in him yet to be written.
Glenn loves to visit his clients so he can see the progress for himself. Inevitably they all tell him how their sales have increased, as well as productivity. Those types of results are what drive Glenn to take them to the next level.
When you first meet Glenn, you will undoubtedly find his energy infectious. In just a few hours, he will have numerous avenues to getting your company on the right track. Even if you think your company isn’t broken, you will find that there are many things you can do differently to make your business more successful.
“I fix broken stuff.”
Call Glenn Warner at 859-918-9900 or visit: GorillaMaker.com. You have an obligation to make abundant amounts of money so people who rely on you can live a prosperous life too.