Gerald Meunier
Author and speaker Gerald Meunier is “America’s Rogue Patriot.”
Not content with sitting on the sidelines, watching our country slip
further into decline, Gerald took action. After years of research into
our dysfunctional political process, he’s now one of America’s leading
authorities on politics and government reform.
He’s the author of the fast-paced political thriller, Rogue Patriot, and author of the
forthcoming “Save America Action Plan.”
Gerald enjoys speaking to people and organizations throughout the United States
about today’s important political issues dealing with America’s debt and spending
crises, border security, illegal immigration and the U.S. Constitution.
Prior to his career as a speaker and author, Gerald achieved success in marketing
and business, culminating with a successful career at a publicly traded internet firm.
Originally from mountainous western Massachusetts, his love of hiking, backpacking
and mountain climbing led him to Colorado where he became a leader in the Colorado
Mountain Club (CMC). The CMC quarterly, Trails & Timberline, was the first to publish
one of his stories. Other stories appear in the anthology From the Heart, published by
Write On Wyoming in the state in which he now lives.
He’s an active member of numerous organizations, including International Thriller
Writers (ITW), Write On Wyoming (WOW), Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers (RMFW), and
a member/leader in the CMC. He’s also a member of Lions International.
To book Gerald for a speaking engagement for your group, email: pr@geraldmeunier.
com. To learn more, visit Gerald at www.AmericasRoguePatriot.com.