
Eva Love is known as the Relationship Expert Extraordinaire by her clients. In the last 24 years, 87% of her single clients have either gotten married or are in a committed relationship within a year of working with her. And 91% of her couple clients are like love-birds, enjoying a happy, thriving relationship.
Today Eva is married to the love of her life, more in love than ever. After 18 years of marriage (20 years of being together), her heart still does a little flip when she sees her husband. They have a loving, fun partnership that has withstood terribly difficult and stressful life events that often end relationships.
After graduating Magna Cum Laude from Business School, she worked for Proctor and Gamble as their first woman Field Representative. She then started the first Women’s Center in Tulsa, OK, in 1975, enrolling a diverse field of professionals to volunteer 7200 hours of time in the center’s first year, giving a hand-up to women who had been abused, raped, were homeless or had special unmet needs.
Committed to helping women knock down career barriers, she was the first woman hired in a management position in a 90-year old transportation company. As the first woman to ever manage long-haul teamsters, she actively mentored women in clerical positions to be promoted into management.
She held a special ombudsman position with Citicorp where she lead the marketing, legal, and IT departments to work together to create the highly successful launch of their first mortgage program.
She broke the glass ceiling in a billion dollar auto-parts chain becoming the first woman to sit on the executive team. With two departments reporting to her with a $5.5 million budget, a big corner office, Eva had all the perks.
She divorced her first husband before going to college, then during her career building years, she was engaged four times before marrying again. Four years into her second marriage, she walked in on her second husband beating her 16 year old daughter. After promising herself that her children would never have to endure the childhood beatings she had to bear, she became deeply depressed and was saved from a suicide attempt through a spiritual message she received as she was about to drive off a 1000’ cliff.
In 1989 Eva had a profound spiritual experience that gave her the tools she later named the Love Miracle SystemTM. Within three weeks of using this system, her life changed radically. Others asked her to share this system with them which launched her into teaching and mentoring students and private clients full-time.
Eva has two daughters, a step-son, and a daughter-in-law who have blessed her and her husband with three adorable grandchildren. Eva and her beloved live in Las Vegas, loving their life together and sharing her message of love and fulfillment to students throughout the world.
You can connect with Eva at: [email protected]
Also find Eva on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn