Ed Toups
Ed Toups is a Best Selling Author, founder of Office Ready LLC, and one of the world’s leading experts in Business consulting for small business owners, internet entrepreneurs and solo professionals. He was named New Orleans Urban Legend of the year in 2012 for entrepreneurship and was recognized with a prestigious New Orleans City Council Proclamation in 2013 for his charity work with the Back to School kids programs. In addition to his local business Ed has become known for his ability to get big results from online marketing. He is instrumental in achieving consistent top 3,000 most trafficked website in the US and top 17,000 most trafficked in the world as determined by industry authority Alexa.com as well as creating effective local websites that do exactly what they’re supposed to do-bring in the right customers. Ed is also known for his ability to help clients build responsive lists of interested prospects reaching numbers of over 67,000 and building effective email campaigns written in his casual downhome appeal.
Early on Ed discovered most people need only a few tweaks here and there to have the lifestyle and business success they dreamed of. Ed’s laid back style combined with his knack for seeing the path of least resistance along with his nonsense approach for seizing and executing “low hanging fruit” opportunities have helped him and his clients get the results they want quickly. He’s learned first hand in the Small Business and Internet marketing trenches that you don’t have to be to be smarter, wealthier, work more hours or work harder than everyone else to have success in the modern world…You just need the foresight to know where you want to be and simply make the wise decisions that lead you there.
To learn more about Ed Toups and his Short Cut to Success VIP Day, finding Internet marking gold in your business, packaging your ideas into online products, list building and communication programs & his business consulting visit www.OfficeReadyNOLA.com/book or call 504-272-2221