Henry Bradford III
Dr. Henry “Brad” Bradford III has been a practicing dentist
for more than 20 years. He spent the majority of his
career in the Greater New Orleans area practicing with
his wife and partner, Dr. Sandra Catchings. He has been
a part time instructor at the LSU School of Dentistry,
prior to Hurricane Katrina. Following the storm, the health of their son deteriorated
to the point that moving to a place far from a coastal environment
was the only reasonable solution. In 2006, they moved to the Shenandoah
Valley, living in Staunton, Virginia.
Dr. Bradford has given more than 40 speeches on dentistry to various business
and civic organizations. He has written several articles and appeared
on the New Orleans NBC affiliate station WDSU. He also has been featured
on radio talk shows at stations WTIX and WKDW. He maintains a vibrant and
growing practice with Dr. Catchings in Fishersville, Virginia, constantly noting
the different dental challenges facing the two very different geographical
locations in which he has practiced. They were the first to use CEREC
technology and restore teeth with the ANKYLOS implant system in Augusta
County, Virginia.
Their dental practice maintains an emphasis on total patient wellness while
consistently working to stay ahead of the curve on new dental technology.