Derek Bauer
Derek Bauer is the creator and leader of the Door to Dreams
Home Selling Team in Michigan and is a real estate broker with
more than a decade of experience. Derek has been recognized
by RIS Media as one of America’s “Top 50 Realtors on the Rise,”
has been a guest lecturer on real estate and technology at a
Michigan University, and wins customer service and sales volume awards year after
year. Prior to Derek starting his real estate business, he was a technology and process
consultant for then the world’s largest consulting firm, which provided Derek with a
foundation of tracking metrics, implementing technology, and using systems and processes
for efficiency and results. Today, Derek’s expertise is helping property sellers
get the absolute most money possible for their properties, using a variety of proven
techniques. If you or someone you know has a property in Southeast Michigan to
sell, be sure to include Derek on your list of experts to interview. To learn more about
Derek Bauer and the Door to Dreams Home Selling Team, visit www.DoorToDreams.
com, and be sure to check out their channel at
You may also speak with Derek or a team member by calling (248) 820-7222.