Damien Godkin
Damien Godkin also known as Kundalini Rising Sun has been channeling Master Maitreya teachings, healing and magic energy since the passing of his own father John in May 2004.
He is not only a respected life coach but he also during his recovery has managed to train Irish Boxing Teams at International events.
Damien is a master in Integrated Energy Therapy since 2006 and Maitreya has been training him as a medicine man since 2004.
Damien is in recovery from what seemed to be a hopeless state of body, mind and soul since the 10TH Nov 1999. He is hugely sought after back home by the Irish Government, Mental Health Commission, HSE and Media, Damien is widely and fondly known as an expert by experience in relation to real recovery and empowerment.
Damien is a Mental Health Advocate and teaches Nurses, Doctors and all other Mental Health Service Providers about recovery and empowerment from the service user and family member perspective, which in turn translate to policy changes and direction in relation to Mental Health Law and Policy for the Irish Government.
He has also trained as a Legal Executive and his Journey has help change the Law as can be read in his chapter. His current work will help bring much needed balance and fairness, in relation to employment law and also family law in Ireland.
Damien is a proud single father to Tadhg Dia Mc Cabe Godkin.
If you would like to connect with the New Healing Energy for free, or go on an empowering and healing Journey with the Kundalini Rising Sun and Maitreya please visit;
Damien would like to sincerely thank all that have helped and supported him over the years to get him to this point, especially his neighbors and friends in Cromwell’s Fort Ave where he lives.
He would like to thank his Mam and Dad, Brothers and Sister, in laws and out laws for their help and love over the years, especially in helping him on his soul mission.
He would also like to thank his universal family and teachers you should know whom you are by now.
On this particular project he would like to thank James his universal bro, Shirley his universal sis, Laura for the brill web design [email protected], Anne for the proofreading, [email protected] for the photo shoot, Bobby from DNA for the advice, last but not least Chasity from MakeMarketLaunchIT for believing.
I owe everything to Maitreya the Universal Christ Magician for saving a wreck like me so it is fitting I think, to finish with a piece of an Indian Prayer which was given to me on my medicine man journey with him.
“O’ Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the winds
And whose breath gives life to everyone,
hear me.
I come to you as one of your many children.
I am weak, I am small, I need your wisdom and
your strength.
(Healing&Training is developed from this universal Indian prayer)