Curtis Brooks
From humble beginnings growing up with dirt floors and a grass
roof to living in his 26th floor two-story penthouse overlooking a
tropical paradise, Curtis Brooks, G.G., CLC, has been helping his
clients achieve their financial dreams for decades. Curtis knows
how people can come from humble beginnings and reach the pinnacle of success.
He has done it himself and has seen it done over and over again with the two keys
he says you must have: 1) a learned specialized knowledge, and 2) the “bull-headed”
persistence to make it happen.
With these keys, he himself has started from zero. Starting from humble beginnings,
he educated himself and had a wildly successful career helping corporations achieve
their financial goals and helping families create an individual financial fortune that
many of us only dream about. Unfortunately, his life was turned to ruins after a series
of personal catastrophes starting with the complete and total theft of his sizable
fortune, deceit of a business partner just as he was rebuilding his business, an
emotionally devastating divorce, and life-threatening 3rd stage Malignant Cancer. He
is a true comeback story, which he is willing to share with you, so you too can learn
and create your financial security.
Curtis holds a Graduate Gemologist degree in Geology from the Gemological
Institute of America and did his undergraduate work in Business and Finance at New
Mexico Military Institute, as well as University of Johannesburg, and U.Wit., S.A. He
worked extensively with the Smithsonian, the Museum of Natural History, NYC, with
the geology departments of the Museum of London, Museum National d’Histoire
Naturelle, Paris, as well as working with the University of Texas, UCLA, Yale, Harvard,
and The Royal Museum of Canada. He then went on to build several manufacturing
facilities and was hired by Mason Best Merchant Bankers to develop a fine jewelry
division. One of the well-known directors at MB became his mentor. That man was
the ex-Treasurer of the United States and past Governor of Texas, “Big John” Connolly
(historically known as the man who was shot in the car with Pres. Kennedy). Curtis
was taught by “Big John” how to profit from Currency Exchange and the arbitrage of
Gold and Silver. This knowledge was and is highly specialized information, and it held
the secrets to making vast amounts of money – which is still unknown to most of the
general public. It was closely guarded by corporations and the banking industry and
very few outside of the international financial world knew of its existence. It was not
until the early 2000’s when computers, Internet, and broad market culture changes within the trading industry made it possible for the layperson to participate. That is
when Curtis started assembling the team that has, and can, change lives.
Having lived, taught, and run businesses in eight different countries as Director of
International Development for M.B., Merchant Bank gives Curtis a unique perspective
on how and what it takes to succeed. He has trained countless thousands of people
in the real world application of generating significant cash flows for income and longterm
generational wealth over the past 40 years.
Curtis has a set of true gifts – the ability to make the complicated simple, and to
take the average, but dedicated person and make them a superstar. Curtis and his
team show you how to take a modest amount of money and with diligence, study,
and simple rules-based systems, learn how to double or better that money each and
every year.
He says learning how to make money is only part of the equation to wealth, many
people make it and then lose it all. When you want self-sustaining long-term wealth,
that means getting a good financial stewardship education at the same time. Get both
by finding more information on creating your true wealth and how to keep it growing