
Business Coach Chuck Mitchell is One of Canada’s Leading Experts
at Helping Business Owners, Executives and Sales Teams
Change Their Results From Good to GREAT!!!
Chuck has been hooked on out-of-the box thinking and inspiring
exceptional performance since he completed his first business plan while still at University
of Toronto. That first plan changed his career path and lead to a 35-year career
of leading, coaching and empowering award-winning teams in some of Canada’s largest
and most successful corporations as well as a handful of SMB companies.
Now Chuck is leveraging his focus on results to assist SMB owners reach their full
potential and to get everything out of their business that they deserve. To each project
Chuck brings an extensive wealth of experience and expertise in Sales, Sales Management,
Marketing, Operations and Human Resources. He is passionate about the success
of every one of his clients and uses a customized, structured approach that utilizes
content from Brian Tracy and is targeted at the exact needs of each business.
Business Coach Chuck Mitchell’s FocalPoint Coaching practice is located in Markham,
Ontario, Canada and he serves clients face-to-face in the Greater Toronto Area and by
phone & online throughout North America.
To learn more about Chuck Mitchell and how you can receive a free 45-Minute Business
Coaching session visit , or contact me
directly at [email protected] or 905.477.1551.