Christine Spray
Christine R. Spray
Founder & President, Strategic Catalyst, Inc.
Founder & President, National Business Development Association
Chair & National Speaker, Vistage International
Christine Spray is a nationally-recognized business development keynote speaker, best-selling author, consultant, trainer and coach. Spray serves as a CEO and business advisor with a passion for helping people and companies grow. She has led numerous organizations’ efforts in new business development, strategic marketing, employee retention and professional development programs, client relations and operations.
Spray launched Strategic Catalyst, Inc. after working in public accounting and industry in senior leadership roles with start-up, restructuring and growth responsibilities. She recognized that by aligning business goals with marketing, human resource and business development strategies, organizations could leverage new business opportunities for far greater results. With 20 years of experience, she has created proven programs for management in the area of new business strategy by implementing Individual Revenue Assessments, Business Development Programs, Strategic Business Development Plans, and Accountability Models.
In addition, Spray launched the National Business Development Association (NBDA) to fill the need for a national trade association to provide best practices to individuals whose primary responsibility is generating business for their organization. NBDA provides a vibrant learning community where members can stay on top of industry trends and continually hone their skills through targeted professional development. Members of NBDA strongly believe in order to be a successful business development professional, you must focus on others and their needs before focusing on yourself. You will find this philosophy at the center of everything that is taught at the NBDA.
Spray also serves as Chair and National Speaker for Vistage International, the world’s leading chief executive organization; its affiliates have more than 16,000 members in 16 countries. In her Vistage leadership role, she provides monthly professional development programs and one-on-one coaching for CEOs to help them become better leaders, make better decisions and therefore achieve better results.
Spray’s Leadership:
• Former Chair, Women Energy Network’s Advisory Council
• Former Board Member, Women Energy Network
• Former Committee Chair, Emerging Women Leaders of the Greater Houston Partnership
• Former Committee Chair, University of Houston Alumni
• Former President, Association for Accounting Marketing
• Former Co-Chair, Kay Bailey Hutchison Texas Governor Race
• Former Nominating Chair, Leadership Council American Lung Association
• Former Board Member, Houston Health Charities of Texas
• Former Board Member, Houston Strategic Forum
• Former Board Member, MIT Enterprise Forum
• Former Board Member, YMCA Camping Services
• Former Delegate, American Society of Women Accountants
• Former Chairman, Small Business Committee GSWCC
• Former Co-Chair, Shaker Committee GSWCC
Spray’s Acknowledgements:
• Chair Excellence Award, Vistage International
• 50 Most Influential Women, Houston
• Rookie of the Year, Vistage International
• Entrepreneur of the Year, Houston Technology Center
• Top Ambassador, Greater Houston Partnership
• Lifetime Member, Greater Houston Partnership
• Mover & Shaker, Greater Southwest Houston
Spray holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology from the University of Houston and is a Graduate of Coach University.
For more information about Christine Spray and her companies, please visit:
www.strategiccatalystinc.com and www.nbda.co or call 832-380-8224.