Brenda F. Wise
Brenda Wise builds winning relationships that foster ongoing communication and effective problem resolution. She currently manages a $57 million federal award fund assisting rural farmers all across the nation. The fund is expected to increase by $40 million over the next four years. Brenda also serves on
a federal communications team which publishes a quarterly newsletter highlighting the work of the farming community and the benefits of agriculture. Her clients are especially receptive to what they identify as her “southern voice” or her effortless way of making them feel special and connected. Clients often make requests for Brenda to attend and speak at events held by their organizations. She began public speaking at the age of six in Sunday school and has transitioned into speaking to groups of up to 400—addressing the benefits of a healthy diet.
Growing up in southern Louisiana, she was surrounded by friends and family. That great spirit of southern hospitality has stayed with her. She purposefully imparts this goodwill upon whomever she meets. Brenda’s well-honed interpersonal communications skills illustrate how forming great relationships are the absolute key to success in any avenue of life—whether personally or professionally.
Brenda moved to the Northern Virginia area in the early 1980s. She began a 30- year stint in the financial services arena working with such companies as Ameriprise Financial, Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation (MGIC), the First National Bank of Arizona and Ivanhoe Financial.
Brenda started Wise AcQuisitions, a real estate investment and consulting business, in 2005. The company assists homebuyers not served by conventional banking methods to obtain both home ownership and increased personal wealth through other non-conventional methods. Wise AcQuisitions has expanded to incorporate consumer advocacy and became actively involved in protecting consumer rights with regards to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act or FCDPA.
Earlier in her writing career, Brenda had been published in several poetry anthologies. Her forthcoming books entitled, How to Make Winning Connections in 8 Easy Steps and How to Grow a 7-Figure IRA in 7 Easy Steps will enable her to help many more people reach their interpersonal and financial goals.
Future plans include the establishment of a non-profit organization that will reach out to service the needy. The organization will seek to provide acts of service and good deeds throughout communities in order to reconnect members of society and build a stronger sense of community. She hopes to create chapters across the nation which will work with other existing organizations to bring action against American poverty, and to affect change by making a grassroots societal push towards a substantive democracy—calling for the eradication of economic and social inequalities.
You can connect with Brenda at: [email protected] www.FaceBook.com/BrendaFayeWise