Bineta Ngom
Bineta Ngom was born in 1964 in a small town called Bargny in Senegal, West Africa, and grew up without her father. She was raised by one of the strongest women on earth and a most giving woman – no matter how tough life was, her mom would always help others. Growing up was a struggle that molded her
into a very strong person. She used to see women in her town living the life of hard knocks and she couldn’t do much about it. She used to stay in her room alone for hours as a teenager just thinking of ways to help those mothers.
She came to America in 1994 to join her husband and she noticed opportunities all over the place. She feels really blessed to be here. She can see clearly now how much she can learn in America to change people’s way of living. Her hobbies are reading and cooking. She likes to read books that improve her personal development, and in her spare time she likes to be creative in her kitchen. She is also blessed with four beautiful children who are growing up knowing that part of life is about serving others. She is proud of them.
No matter what type of work Bineta does, she doesn’t feel happiness or any enthusiasm unless she’s helping others, volunteering or working towards improving their situation – knowing that one day she will be able to reach out to many struggling families. From her teenage years, she knew who she wanted to be. She knew her passion was to have a career that involved helping others. Coming from a totally different world, she was lost during her first years in America. She was at the stumbling stage for a long time. It took quite a lot of time to figure out what to do to help people.
Bineta established the Family Bridge Foundation – a non-profit organization whose purpose is to help women and children’s lives in any way possible. Her real journey starts with this opportunity to serve.