Alice Baland
Alice Baland will show you how to make smart decisions and
personalized choices that will expand your life. She offers simple
solutions and strategies so you can achieve greater success and
happiness! She inspires hope, confidence, and positive change in
audiences, clients and readers. Get her free report, audio download
and crave-free meal video at www.EatUpTheGoodLife.com or www.AliceBaland.com.
Alice is the one who people seek out to permanently overcome weight concerns,
eating disorders, anxiety, adversity, life’s stressors, poor nutrition, body loathing and
toxic relationships. She’ll show you how to create a balanced, productive, energized
and fun life where food isn’t a struggle so you can Eat Up The Good Life!™
She’s an expert with a proven track record—as a victor, psychotherapist and dietitian
in the real world. She’ll help you answer, “Are you worth the choice? What do you do
next? Would you like to crave something more than food—like self-worth, self-love
and self-acceptance? Or lifelong health and a happy self-image?” Alice will show you
how to do it. She invites you to Take a Bite of the Good Life! Be your best self on the
inside and beat the binge on the outside. Regain control of your eating, weight and
your life.
Contact Alice’s office to see if you qualify for her private coaching program or discuss
how to schedule her program for your event! Laugh, Learn and Build Your Best Self!
Learn about her 3D Approach to Success: I Desire It! I Deserve It! I’m Determined to
Get It!
Alice is a medical and clinical hypnotherapist, EFT master trainer, psychotherapist,
eating disorders and sports dietitian. Her books include Eat Up the Good Life!™ Savvy
Skills for Pleasurable, Guilt-Free Eating & Living; Catch Your Dreams: Getting What
You Want…Now! Positive Nutrition: The Girl’s Guide to Eating for Energy, Esteem
& Excitement, and Positive Nutrition: Top Tips for Healthy Students. She also offers
complete home study/play programs to advance your life vision.
She has been interviewed by CNN, CBS, ABC and NBC; the Wall Street Journal; USA
Today; and the “Dallas Morning News,” to name a few. She’s a former spokesperson
for the American Dietetic Association and international food companies, reaching
millions of Americans with her positive nutrition, health and life balance messages
coast-to-coast. Add to her portfolio backpacker, distance cyclist, scuba diver, world
traveler, dancer, culinary specialist and trauma survivor, and you’ve got the recipe for
a woman with a dynamic healing program to help you be your best self!