At the age of 23 (and-a-half;-) Jim has been in the real estate business for 18 months. One of Jim’s passions is real estate – of course this most likely has to do with the fact that he made over $91,000 on just his second real estate deal! Jim’s entrepreneurial ventures did not begin with real estate; they began at the age of 12 when he started mowing neighbors’ lawns with his dad’s lawn mower. By the time he was 13 he had acquired 28 lawn accounts. This was more than he could do himself so at the age of 13 he hired someone that was old enough to drive his pickup truck.
After his family moved when he was 15, he sold the lawn care business. For the next 7 years he built and sold 3 separate lawncare and landscaping companies, but he always knew that there was a better and more satisfying way to satisfy his entrepreneurial spirit. He found his answer in real estate at the age of 22. After successfully investing in real estate for only one year, he was asked by Ron LeGrand to become a mentor for his (Ron’s) company to mentor new real estate investors and help them become successful as well. In addition to mentoring, Jim speaks at REIA (Real Estate Investor Association) meetings throughout the Philadelphia area, and is a member of Ron LeGrand’s Mastermind group.