Raymond James
Raymond James, founder of Discovery Guidance Center,
Certified Global Career Development Facilitator
(GCDF), Certified Life Coach, NLP Practitioner. Raymond
is sought after for his expert ability to lead clients on a
path to reaching their full potential. As a career coach,
Raymond embodies the leadership qualities needed to motivate students
– to realize the dreams they have are well within their grasp. Developing
people has always been the focus for Raymond, whether in the executive
boardroom, at leadership development events, or even on the football field
and the dojo.
Happiness and career success has many facets and unique meanings for
every person. Raymond leads clients to discover new perspectives, allowing
them to see the world through a new lens to slow the chaos and circumstances
in which they feel stuck. Raymond’s clients quantify their strengths,
values, interests and motivations. They are able to see all the options they
have, so they can make better choices.
Raymond is able to excite clients as they design new chapters in the story of
their life. With these new crystal clear visions, clients learn to develop Focal
Point Maps to carry out and deliver themselves in a more authentic way. The
4D Focus method is a tool that clients continue to use to adjust and grow as
they move forward with their careers, and all the roles in their life.
To learn more about Raymond James and his Empowerment Programs, visit
the Discovery Guidance Center at www.4Dguidance.net