Jim Henderson
Most CPAs and other tax advisors operate in the after-the-fact world. Much like a score keeper in a baseball game, they can tell you what has happened, but have almost no input on making something happen.
Today more than ever individuals and small business owners need a true “Tax Bench Coach” to provide proper pro-active planning services. When one considers that taxes can claim up to 50% of any planned financial transaction, operating without knowing the tax ramifications, or without a viable tax minimization strategy, is just plain stupid.
James (Jim) Henderson, CPA is a graduate of the prestigious Boston Latin School, attended the University of Notre Dame, and graduated with high distinction from Babson College. He is a licensed CPA, Real Estate Broker and Notary Public. He has attended and presented numerous seminars on tax planning, real estate and home ownership, college planning, retirement planning, QuickBooks and other topics of interest to his clients and associates.
Jim, officially known as James A. Henderson, CPA, is the founder of Henderson, Grealis & Associates, PC CPA (aka TaxSense) with four offices in the Boston area. In addition to pro-active tax planning services, the firm, as Certified QuickBooks Pro Advisors, assists clients in making sense out of their numbers. “Information is power. Without 20/20 current and accurate financial statements, one cannot see where they’ve been, never mind see where they are going. As a result, proper tax planning becomes virtually impossible”.
To learn more about Jim, please visit: TaxSense.com or contact him at (888) TAX-SENSE.